
SITE has the operational tools and know-how to effectively tackle all challenges faced by energy and civic leaders developing the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and Bakken formation and beyond.

Our knowledge and expertise, our fleet of heavy equipment, our long-term project managers and service providers, and our unbeatable quality management and safety record position SITE as the leading integrated service provider for your infrastructure needs.

Civil infrastructure

SITE performs the construction and construction management for both small and large scale heavy civil projects across a variety of industry applications.  Our services include:

  • Earthworks;
  • Road and highway;
  • Lease;
  • Site preparation;
  • Trench ploughing;
  • Aggregates;
  • Fencing and gates; and
  • Central Plant Facilities.

Pile Driving

Through its subsidiary, Force Pile Driving Inc., SITE provides a complete suite of high quality pile driving services including:

  • Pile driving installation;
  • Pre-drilling;
  • Pipe sales;
  • Design and optimization;
  • Remote PDA testing;
  • Aggregates;
  • Surveying; and
  • Load testing.

Above and below ground pipeline infrastructure

SITE has a wealth of experience performing the construction and installation of various types of pipelines.  Our services include: 

  • Small and large diameter pipelines;
  • Steam lines;
  • HDPE composite;
  • Flow lines;
  • Plant sites and field facility pipelines; and
  • Municipal pipeline infrastructure.

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

SITE's use of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) effectively drills into the most difficult of terrain.

Geotechnical Drilling

At the onset of any construction project, SITE can conduct geotechnical drilling services to determine whether a project site is suitable for its intended construction. 


Related Projects

Gathering Line Pipeline

Site Preparation/Pond Construction

Highway 63 Water & Sewer Main


Related Equipment

Infrastructure Equipment



SITE is a fully-integrated energy services company that provides exceptional environmental, infrastructure and access services for oil, gas and resource development companies.

SITE has the knowledge, the experience, the people, and the dedication to consistently deliver exceptional quality management and assurance with every project. Some of these regions include the northern oil sands, the Interior Plains, the Boreal forest and the Bakken formation of North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.


Call us toll-free: 1.855.408.7483